About me

Former OIer. Awards include APIO2020 Silver, CSP2020 Senior First Prize, NOIP2020 First Prize, NOI2021 WC Silver, ICPC2022 Nanjing Gold and ICPC2022 EC-Final Bronze and many provincial constest golds. Currently studying in Wuhan University and majoring in Computer Science.

You can contact me through the information provided lower left. It is recommended to contact me through email or the comment system of the site.

About the site

This site is named after a work of the Touhou Project, “绯想天”(Scarlet Weather Rhapsody), which is one of my favorites.

绯想天 is developed based on Hugo and tokiwa (which is licensed under the MIT License). All content of the blog is distributed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. “绯想天” is deployed on Github Pages, with utterances being the comment system, through which you can comment with your github account.

绯想天 began as my notebook of OI learning and only contained some notes of simple algorithms and solutions, and its initial domain was feiko.me. After my gaokao, I archived the old site in old.flandre.love, applied my new domain flandre.love and put some of the previous articles into it. I am working on making 绯想天 a personal blog with content of great diversity rather than simply a notebook.